
Phew!! What’s that Smell?

Phew!! What’s that Smell?

ODOUR - A PROPERTY MANAGERS NIGHTMARE! Did your last tenant leave something behind? Over time, the heating and cooling coils, ventilation system, interior surfaces and carpeting of any given rental unit will be exposed to a constant build up of dust mites, mold,...

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“Sick Building” Syndrome

“Sick Building” Syndrome

Absenteeism and your bottom line n the United States alone, it is estimate that 80 billion dollars worth of productivity is lost each year due to “Sick Building Syndrome” or illness from airborne allergens in the workplace. Bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew and other...

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Why is my roof sheathing black?

Why is my roof sheathing black?

When moisture condenses on plywood roof sheathing repeatedly or continuously the wood will turn black.  This can be caused by the action of moisture interacting with the tannins in the plywood.  The picture above is from a long-standing moisture condition in...

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